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[db:作者] 2024-03-29知识百科





C. Take her for a walk.(4. What’s the problem with the man's Internet service?A. His Wi-Fi is broken. BB. His computer has broken.AWhat are the police looking into?C. His Internet fee is overdue.A. Who cut the car tires.B.What caused the accident.C. How many cars were stolen.



According to the team's findings, their proof-of-concept battery was capable of producing0.65 volts, which is safely low enough for the human body to handle. The ingest ible couldprovide 48 pA of current for 12 minutes, or alternatively, a few micro amps(微安) for over anhour. Such a power supply could provide enough energy for small electronics alike to eatablepill-shaped modules and other gastrointestinal procedure alternatives.In a statement, researcher coordinator Mario Cairo ni explained that such a product couldhelp power monitors for both human health conditions and food storage. Additionally, giventheir safety, products with stronger power could be used within children's toys, whereingestion risk is higher.In the team's statement, co-author Ivan Ilic also explained that despite the battery'srelatively low power, its digestibility provides a promising example of a battery that doesn'tuse any harmful materials.32.What is the necessity of developing eatable batteries?A.They help with the food shortage.B.They can avoid the harm caused by eating batteries.C.They are useful in some special fields.D.They have no impact on the environment.


( ) 69. Where can we find the passage?A. In a news report.B. In a travel guidele. C. In a nature magazine.D. In a history novel.

