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趣找知识 2024-04-24知识百科


1、2023-2024 学年高三第二次高考模拟英语科试题 参考答案及解析 听力:1-5 CBBAC 6-10CAABC 11-15ABACB 16-20BBCAC 阅读理解:21-23ADB 24-27 CBBD 28-31ACDB 32-35ABDA 36-40BDEFG 完形填空:41-45BACCD 46-50 DCBCB 51-55 ADADB 语法填空:56.with bination 58.that/which/不填 59.picking 60.currently 61.aims 62.or 63.be batted 64.the 65.To win【书面表达】在促进学生德智体美劳全面

2、发展的情况下,我们也很需要关注学生的体育教育。本篇书面表达是关于李华要邀请国际班好友 Tom 一起参加学校开展主题为“快乐远足”活动。Possible Version Dear Tom,Hope my email finds you well.An upcoming event called“Happy Hiking”is scheduled to be held by the Sunshine Club of our school,and I think you may be willing to join us.The event will be held on April 24th an

3、d students attached to hiking are welcome to participate.Well gather at the school ga te at 9 a.m.,with the activity starting at 9:10a.m.The route will finish at Green Farm,covering a total distance of approximately 10 kilometers.If it appeals to you,please remember to dress appropriately and wear y

4、our suitable shoes.It will be good to bring some necessary snacks in case you become hungry during the hike.Let me know if you can make it and it would be great to have you with us.Looking forward to your early reply.【读后续写】读后续写讲述的是四个人在海上的漂流和奋力求生。续写第一段主要让学生发挥想象:漆黑的夜晚在大海上的孤舟可能会碰到的事情,内容要和第二段首句衔接。第二段是四人

5、最终获救,皆大欢喜的结局。主要表达的是在逆境中永不放弃的执着精神。Suddenly,there was a long,lo ud swishing sound behind the boat and a shining trail of silver y blue.It might have been made by a huge knife.Then there was another swish and another long flash of bluish light,this time alongside the boat.Crane saw a huge fin speed lik

6、e a shadow through the water,leaving a long glowing trail.The thing kept swimming near the boat.He noted its speed and power.Crane woke up the men.They knew that only they could keep the boat from sinking.And so they rowed,hour after hour,tirelessly,through the night.When day came,the four men saw land again.They began to turn the boat toward the beach.As the boat came closer to land,the waves got bigger and more violent.At last,a large wave climbed into the air and fell on the small boat with g

