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admin 2022-05-18教育资讯




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Reading Text Interpretation Strategy of Junior English Based on Thinking Ability Training

Chen Yahong

Abstract: In English teaching, reading plays a key role in the cultivation of students’ thinking ability. Reading class is one of the important classes in junior high school English teaching, and it is the main way to cultivate students’ thinking ability. According to the problems existing in the interpretation of the reading text, this paper discusses the strategies of cultivating students’ thinking ability in the interpretation of the reading text in the middle school English reading course, which is to cultivate students’ thinking ability by interpreting the text characteristics, content and language of the reading text material. By interpreting text features, activating cognitive schemata and predicting text themes; text content, so that students form a systematic knowledge framework; through the interpretation of text language, understand the author’s writing intention. Using effective strategies to interpret the reading text can enhance students’ discourse awareness, construct structured knowledge, realize deep learning, and finally promote the development of students’ thinking.

Key words: thinking ability; reading; text reading; strategies


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